A Dynamic global church guided by the Holy Spirit to meet the needs of the society.
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ECWA Houston Beliefs or Doctrinal Statement
ECWA Houston Beliefs or Doctrinal Statement
(Abridged Version)
The Scriptures
The 66 books of the Bible are the inspired Word of God and final authority for faith and practice. 2Nm 3:16-17, 2Pt 1 21.
Triune God
There is one God existing in three persons-Father, Son and Holy Spirit Deut 6:4 Mat. 28·19, Col 1·15; Heb. 1·1-13.
Jesus Christ
Very God and very Man. Conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of virgin Mary. Phil 2.5-8, Heb. 1·3, 7:25; 1John 2:1-2.
Holy Spirit
The 3rd Person of the God-head. Rom 8: 9, 11, 15, Jhn 14·16. 17: Acts 1:8.
Created spirit-beings who are messengers of God. Is 14:12-17; Ps. 34:7; 91·11-12, Jude 6.
Created in the image of God but sinned and without hope apart from the grace of God. Gen 1:26. 27; 2:17; Rom 3:12-19, Eph 2:11-12.
Received as a gift (grace} through faith in the atoning work of Christ Acts 4 12, Ro. 5:8 Ep 2 8-9.
Eternal Security
Those who truly believe and receive Jesus Christ are assured of salvation for ever. Ro 8:31-39, 1Jhn 5 13, Heb 7:25.
Believers set apart unto God: Positional, Progressive and Ultimate Sanctification. Jhn 17:17; Rom 8:29-30; 2Corth 3 18: 7:1: Ep 4:24-, 5:25-27.
The Church
Embraces all true believers and is the Bride of Christ Acts 2. 41, 46-47, Eph 1.22-23.
The Lord’s Supper and Water Baptism by immersion. Mt 28:19; Acts 2: 42; 8:36-38.
Christian Life and Service
We are saved unto good works. Eph. 2:10; Tit. 3:8; James 2:17.
Spiritual Gifts
Bestowed by the Holy Spirit on all believers for the edification of the Body. Rom 12:6-8; 1Corth 12:4-11; Eph 4:11.
The Blessed Hope
The pre-millennial return of Jesus Christ for the Church. Jhn 14.1; 1Corth 15:51-52; 1Thess 4:13-18; Titus 2:11-14.
The Tribulation
A period of divine judgment upon the world after the rapture of the Church. Dan 9:27, Matt. 24:15-21; Rev. 6:1-17, 19-21.
The Resurrection
All the dead will be resurrected – believers to everlasting blessedness and joy with God and unbelievers to everlasting damnation. Jhn 5:28-29; 2Thess 1:7-9; Rev. 20.11-15.
Our Mission
ECWA Houston exists to glorify God and to achieve His purpose by communicating the Gospel to the lost, discipling believers, organizing them into local churches and caring for the needy in the world through advocacy and social service.
Local Contacts
- Bro. Abednego Marshall: 832-566-7549
- Sis Alherry Dogonyaro: 713-320-8361
- Bro. Ifeanyi Mba: 832-486-0800
Worship Time
Pastor: Rev. Caleb Afulike (Phd)
6402 Carnaby Ln, Rosenberg TX 77471
- Service: Sunday at 11am

ECWA Houston Ministries
- Prayer
- Preaching & Teaching
- Praise & Worship
- Children
- Youths & Young Adults
- Men
- Women
- Evangelism & Outreach
- Revival & Renewal
- Wholistic Pastoral Care
“We invite you to explore the vibrant and life-transforming atmosphere of ECWA Houston. Engage in Bible study groups, participate in worship, and witness the love and grace of Jesus Christ firsthand. ”
Rev. Philologus Irukera
ECWA USA Communication Chairman
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